How to Prepare You and Your Family for Winter Season in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, winter has been changing its characteristics and intensity. Because of climate change and other factors, currently the chilly winter season starts from late November to late February. But with winter’s arrival, comes the trouble of cold, cough, flu, sore throat and other diseases.
If you want to prepare you and your family for winter season of Bangladesh, check out this checklist article.
1. Prioritize your health

As winter approaches, so do the final examinations of children, extra annual workload for employees, and more. No matter how busy your schedule gets, winter time needs special care.
Whether it be putting lip balm on your cracked lip or drinking warm honey water, take care of your body in winter. Winter in Bangladesh can be cruel, so you need to pay attention to stay healthy to not catch a cold or other injuries.
2. Prepare for cold waves
You need to stock up for cold waves. Clean your refrigerators and throw out the expired products. Buy fresh winter vegetables including spinach, cauliflower, cabbage and more. These seasonal fruits and vegetables contain all kinds of nutrients to enhance your immune system to fight against the cold waves and microbes.
Consider you are going on hibernation, and stock your pantry with ingredients to make soup, broth, pitha, and more.
3. Exercise
One of the reasons many people feel lazy or tired during winter is because the chilly weather stops them from exercising or taking a walk. You might hate winter walks in the morning, but it is indeed a great choice.
If it is not possible, then take a walk at night or do 10- 15 stretching exercises at home. The movements will help body heat regulation and your body will be able to fight the diseases better.
4. Focus on diet – hydrate yourself
With the beginning of winter, the appetite changes because of the change in atmosphere. You will not realize that you did not drink enough water. So remember to create a diet of nutrients and measure water to stay hydrated. If you catch a cold or cough, it is important to drink warm water or drink black tea before or after a meal.
Your family members might feel lazy eating and even you might end up skipping meals. It is advisable to create a food chart to bring in a variety of seasonal foods and relish the winter delicacies.
5. Buy winter essentials

It is better to begin your winter shopping before winter arrives. Because of the dry atmosphere during winter, it is better to avoid crowds and open places as you would be susceptible to dust and microbes. Take out your winter wares and necessities to dry them under the sun for later use.
If you need to buy jackets, mufflers or any other winter essentials, buy them at the beginning to stay prepared. This way you would not need to make yourself shop on the cold days.
6. Get some sun
In Bangladesh, during winter, the sun is visible for only a few peak hours. If you are strong enough to pull yourself from the covers and let yourself bask in the sun, then you are a superhero.
If not, then make sure to force yourself to get some sun whenever you notice the sun beaming. Your body needs vitamin D and other nutrients from the sun to enhance your immune system. Especially for your mental health, it is best to get some sun whenever possible.
7. Share warmth
In cities like Rangpur, Rajshahi and other places in Bangladesh, the winter can be quite cruel and challenging. As you prepare yourself and your beloved ones to remain healthy and sound in winter, you need to consider the homeless and less privileged people.
In Bangladesh, there are many organizations like Bidyanondo, Jibon and more, who work to distribute donations of winter clothes and food supplies across the country. Helping the country’s people will bring warmth to your heart and home.
Many poets wrote innumerable winter poems (Shiter Kobita) in Bangladesh. Indeed, the chilly weather of Bangladesh has immense significance to include vibrancy in Bangladesh’s nature and beauty. Cherish the winter and make memories while remembering to prepare to stay healthy during the winter waves.