All Computer Shortcut Keys List: Word, Excel, Windows, Chrome, Tally Shortcuts
List of basic computer shortcut keys:
These are the most basic computer keys that every computer user should know about. These shortcuts also work for most of the other computer applications that are further listed in this article:
- Ctrl + A – Selects all text
- Ctrl + X – Cuts the selected item
- Ctrl + Del – Cut selected item
- Ctrl + C – Copy the selected item
- Ctrl + Ins – Copy the selected item
- Ctrl + V – Paste the selected item
- Alt + F – File menu options in the current program.
- Alt + E – Edits options in the current program
- F1 – Universal help (for any sort of program)
- Home – Go to the beginning of the current line
- Ctrl + Home – Go to the beginning of the document
- End – Go to the end of the current line
- Ctrl + End – Go to the end of a document
- Shift + Home – Highlight from the current position to beginning of the line
- Shift + End – Highlight from the current position to end of the line
- Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left at a time
- Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right at a time